CAST yourself a chimney!
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Thanks to LeeFish for making me make these and dragging Inge to #create so she could help me. Thanks for testing. Thank you

CAST yourself a chimney!
After some playing with all the fake chimney pieces, I was told that all this could be made so that EA fireplaces used my pieces automatically instead of the original un-castable chimneys.
That started a time of fiddling with pieces, mappings, weird files I had never heard of, programs I only barely knew how to use, and a lot of testing :P
I am happy to finally present you the REAL CASTable CHIMNEYS that are placed automatically when you place an EA fireplace

What did I do then?
There is a file on rar that allows EA chimneys to use my castable chimney pieces instead of EA's non-castable ones. At this moment it has been impossible for me to make individual files for all the fireplaces, so I have made one file, that changes the chimneys of 6 EA fireplaces.
I have also made improved chimney pieces. Mapped them as good as I ever could, and made them work together without seams.
The chimney cap that the smoke comes out, that I couldn't get working my making a replacement, so Inge was kind enough to recolour it for me, to use black instead of red bricks.
I also made a fake chimney cap bottom, which doesn't place automatically. It is optional for you to download and use.
Here is a picture of the fireplaces that can use the new castable chimneys:

I can't give you the names of the fireplaces, as I play in finnish. They are all found in the build mode, next to the EA original fireplaces. Prices are the same as originals.

Info you should read:
- All though there is only one file that changes the behavior of the fireplaces (base, wa, amb), you CAN use the file even if you only had only base game, or just ambitions for example. The fireplaces of EP's you don't have, show on your catalog, you just can't use them.
- The lack of EP's does not make your game crash, this has been all tested by many testers.
What do I download?
NEEDED: Download armiel_CAST yourself a chimney!. rar for the chimney pieces and the file that allows the fireplaces to use them.
OPTIONAL: Download armiel_chimney_cap_fake (optional).rar to get the fake cap bottom.
How to use?
I have made a video about how to use these.
If for some reason you can't watch the video, here is a basic written how to:
- place the files from the rar(s) to your mods/packages folder.
- run the game
- make a house
- place a fireplace
- cast it (only the part behind fireplace has ability to be clicked for cast, you need to drag the pattern in cas-tool to the rest of the pieces.)
How to use the optional fake chimney cap bottom?
(also shown on video)
- open cheat panel by ctrl+shift+ C and type in: moveobjects on
- you need to have floor of grid on the floor you want to place the piece.
- place a fake cap bottom (found in misc. deco)(the piece can be moved up and down by holding mouse and dragging, if you have patch 1.17 or higher)
Additional Credits:
Inge Jones for being such a great help and making these possible!
Leesester for making me do these and testing.
Flabaliki, Werismyki, Daluved1, Zandvoort and a friend of Inge for testing.
Milkshape, TSRW, S3PE, S3OC, Photoshop, Paint.NET, UVMapper and Lithunwrap for being the programs I used making these.
Everyone at #create for support!
Cmomoney for pointing me to the right direction with vertices. Thank you!
Polycounts and prices of the pieces:
Chimney Foundation - 25§
High: 118 vertices 50 faces
Low: 114 vertices 48 faces
Recolourable Chimney Mantle - 60§
High: 158 vertices 68 faces
Low: 154 vertices 66 faces
Chimney side - 100
High: 42 vertices 18 faces
low: 38 vertices 16 faces
Chimney narrow top - 15§
High: 63 vertices 36 faces
Low: 59 vertices 34 faces
Chimney narrow wall - 60§
High: 62 vertices 36 faces
Low: 58 vertices 34 faces
Chimney cap bottom - 5§
High: 63 vertices 36 faces
Low: 59 vertices 34 faces
EA chimney cap, recoloured by Inge Jones (not buyable)
High: 500 vertices 162 faces
Low: 356 vertices 110 faces
I didn't want to fill this post with pictures. There are few more in the screenhots, about tiling, and some other pics.
Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy these!
Please credit with a link when using on your creations

Download the chimneys for Pets fireplaces here

This is a new mesh, and means that it's a brand new self contained object that usually does not require a specific Pack (although this is possible depending on the type). It may have Recolours hosted on MTS - check below for more information.
armiel_chimney_cap_fake (optional).rar
Uploaded: 31st Jan 2011, 20.6 KB.
armiel_CAST yourself a chimney!.rar
Uploaded: 31st Jan 2011, 126.5 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Click the file listed on the Files tab to download the file to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file. Now you will have either a .package or a .sims3pack file.
For Package files:
1. Cut and paste the file into your Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Mods\Packages folder. If you do not already have this folder, you should read the full guide to Package files first: Sims 3:Installing Package Fileswiki, so you can make sure your game is fully patched and you have the correct Resource.cfg file.
2. Run the game, and find your content where the creator said it would be (build mode, buy mode, Create-a-Sim, etc.).
For Sims3Pack files:
1. Cut and paste it into your Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Downloads folder. If you do not have this folder yet, it is recommended that you open the game and then close it again so that this folder will be automatically created. Then you can place the .sims3pack into your Downloads folder.
2. Load the game's Launcher, and click on the Downloads tab. Find the item in the list and tick the box beside it. Then press the Install button below the list.
3. Wait for the installer to load, and it will install the content to the game. You will get a message letting you know when it's done.
4. Run the game, and find your content where the creator said it would be (build mode, buy mode, Create-a-Sim, etc.).
Extracting from RAR, ZIP, or 7z: You will need a special program for this. For Windows, we recommend 7-Zip and for Mac OSX, we recommend Keka. Both are free and safe to use.
Need more help?
If you need more info, see:
- For package files: Sims 3:Installing Package Fileswiki
- For Sims3pack files: Game Help:Installing TS3 Packswiki
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Updated: 29th Oct 2011 at 3:39 PM
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About Me
I have retired from simming. This means I won't be supporting my uploads anymore.
Please take this into consideration:
My uploads have a date when they have been uploaded. If I have fixed something later, I have stated so in the post. If something is currently broken, it stays that way, unless you bother on fixing it yourself. :)
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Please also notice, that my content is made to be free - do not include it in uploads that require submission, or paysites in general, thanks.
If you do use my work, a credit would be nice, but sure is not required. :)
Thanks for your time for reading this, for possibly using my creations, and for being generally awesome!